Zakład Modelowania Matematycznego
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Treść (rozbudowana)
- Piotr Hachuła, O pewnych własnościach nieliniowych układów równań różnicowych stosowanych w modelowaniu zjawisk mikroekonomicznych, 2018 (promotor pomocniczy)
Autorstwo i Redakcja Książek oraz Wydań Specjalnych
- Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, P. Hachuła, E.Schmeidel, An analysis of dynamics of demand-inventory model with stock-level-dependent demand, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Łódzkiej, 2018
Publikacje w Czasopismach Naukowych
- Marcin Massalski, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Inverse-free Newton’s method, Journal of Applied Analysis & Computation (70 pkt.), 2025, 15(4): 2238-2257
- M. Nockowska-Rosiak, J. Migda, Asymptotic Behavior of Solutions to Difference Equations of Neutral Type. Qual. Theory Dyn. Syst., volume 23, article number 60, pp. 1-20 (2024). (100 pkt.)
- Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Christian Pötzsche, Positivity and discretization of Fredholm integral operators, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Application (70 pkt.), 524(1) (2023), art. 127137
- Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Christian Pötzsche, Monotonicity and discretization of Hammerstein integrodifference equations, Journal of Computational Dynamics (100 pkt), 10 (1) (2023), 223-247
- Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Christian Pötzsche, Monotonicity and discretization of Urysohn integral operators, Applied Mathematics and Computation (100 pkt.), 414, art. 126686 (2022),
- Janusz Migda, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Małgorzata Migda, Asymptotic properties of solutions to discrete Volterra type equations, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences (100 pkt.), 45 (2022), 2674-2684
- Janusz Migda, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Małgorzata Migda, Properties of Solutions of Generalized Sturm–Liouville Discrete Equations, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society (70 pkt.), 44 (5) (2021), 3111-3127
- Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, The Solvability of the Discrete Boundary Value Problem on the Half-Line, Entropy (100 pkt.), 23 (11), art. 1526 (2021), pp.13
- Janusz Migda, Małgorzata Migda, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Asymptotic properties of solutions of third order difference equations, Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics (70 pkt.), 14 (2020), 1-19,
- Robert Stegliński, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Sequences of positive homoclinic solutions to difference equations with variable exponent, Mathematica Slovaca (40 pkt.), 70 (2) (2020), 417-430, JCR
- Janusz Migda, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Asymptotic properties of solutions to difference equations of Sturm-Liouville type, Applied Mathematics and Computation (100 pkt.), 340 (2019), 126-137, JCR
- Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Uncountably many nonoscillatory bounded solutions to second-order nonlinear neutral dynamic equations, Turkish Journal of Mathematics (40 pkt.), 43 (2019), 1699-1711, JCR
- Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Piotr Hachuła, Ewa Schmeidel, Existence of uncountably many asymptotically constant solutions to discrete nonlinear three-dimensional system with p-Laplacian, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B (30 pkt.), 23(1) (2018), 369 -375, JCR
- Robert Jankowski, Barbara Łupińska, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Ewa Schmeidel, Monotonic solutions of a higher-order neutral difference system, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B (30 pkt.), 23(1) (2018), 253 -261, JCR
- Janusz Migda, Małgorzata Migda, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Asymptotic Properties of Solutions to Second-Order Difference Equations of Volterra Type, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (20 pkt.), volume 2018, Article ID 2368694 (2018), 1-10, JCR
- Janusz Migda, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Asymptotic behavior of solutions of second order difference equations with deviating argument, Miskolc Mathematical Notes (15 pkt.), 19 (2) (2018), 1047-1061, JCR
- Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Bounded solutions and asymptotic stability of nonlinear second-order neutral difference equations with quasi-differences, Turkish J. Math (15 pkt.), 42 (2018), 1956-1969, JCR
- Piotr Hachuła, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Ewa Schmeidel, Neimark-Sacker Bifurcation in Demand-Inventory Model with Stock-Level-Dependent Demand, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society (20 pkt.), volume 2017 (2017), Article ID 8162865, 10 pages, JCR
- Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Existence of uncountably many bounded positive solutions to higher-order nonlinear neutral delay difference equations, Advances in Difference Equations (15 pkt.), . (2016), 2016:198, DOI: 10.1186/s13662-016-0923-2,JCR
- Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Piotr Hachuła, Ewa Schmeidel, Stability of equilibrium points of demandinventorymodel with stock-dependent demand, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications (20 pkt.), 22:10 (2016), 1490-1500 JCR.
- Agata Bezubik, Małgorzata Migda, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Ewa Schmeidel, Trichotomy of nonoscillatory solutions to second-order neutral difference equation with quasi-difference, Adv. Difference Equ., , (2015),
- Marek Galewski, Robert Jankowski, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Ewa Schmeidel, On the existence of bounded solutions for nonlinear second order neutral difference equations, Electron. J. Qual. Theory Differ. Equ., 72 (2014), 1-12, JCR
- Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, A note on economic equilibrium with nonsatiated utility functions, Appl. Math, 40 (2013), 117-126
- Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, A note on variational-type inequalities for (η,θ,δ)- pseudomonotone-type set-valued mappings in nonreflexive Banach spaces, Discuss. Math. Differ. Incl. Control. Optim., (2013),
- Grzegorz Andrzejczak, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Bogdan Przeradzki, A note on Blasius type boundary value problems, Opuscula Math., 1 (2013), 5-17
- Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, Economic equilibrium through varational inequalities, Appl. Math., 36 (2009), 43-58
- Zdzisław Naniewicz, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, System of variational inequalities related to economic equilibrium, Control Cybernet., 36 (2007), 889-909, JCR
- Zdzisław Naniewicz, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, On variational approach to economic equilibrium-type problem, Ann. Math. Sil., 20 (2006), 57-71
Publikacje w Materiałach Konferencyjnych
- P. Hachuła, Magdalena Nockowska-Rosiak, E.Schmeidel, An analysis of dynamics of discrete demand-inventory model with bifurcation diagrams and phase portraits, International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM 2016), Rhodes, Greece, Sep 19-25, REGALSCOPE LIMITED 1 Pallados Street, PC 8046, Paphos, CYPRUS (conf. org.) (T. E. Simos, Ch. Tsitouras Ed(s).), AIP Conf. Proc. vol. 1863, (publ. by) American Institute of Physics, 2017, pp. 1-4, (article identifier 140009), doi:10.1063/1.4992316,