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Division of Applications of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis

The Division carries out research in the field of a broad real  analysis  (real functions of one and several variables, the role of small sets in analysis and topology,  measure theory  and integration) and its relationship with the set-theoretical structures (algebra and ideals of sets and their representations, problems of the descriptive set theory). The research also involves studying  functional spaces, including Banach spaces (in particular, the Banach space of continuous functions) using the methods of functional analysis, topology, combinatorics, Boolean algebra and set theory. The Division also is involved in certain topics of nonlinear analysis, such as the metric fixed point theory and the operator theory, as well as complex analysis (geometric theory of functions of one and several complex variables).

Some faculty members supervise students studying according to individual programmes.


Treść (rozbudowana)

prof. dr hab. inż. Jacek Jachymski


Marek Balcerzak, Full Professor
Włodzimierz Fechner, Associate Professor
Tomasz Filipczak, Assistant Professor
Szymon Głąb, Associate Professor
Przemysław Gordinowicz, Assistant Professor
Jacek Jachymski, Full Professor
Michał Popławski, Assistant Professor
Filip Strobin, Associate Professor
Jarosław Swaczyna, Assistant Professor
Artur Wachowicz, Assistant Professor


Seminar of the Division of Applications of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis
Chairman: Marek Balcerzak

Participants of the seminar (members of the division, PhD students, and mathematicians from other units) or invited speakers present their own results or selected parts of publications due to other authors. Topics of presentations concern real analysis meant in a broad sense. They include measure theory, topological and set theoretical methods, fractals, metric fixed point theory, selected problems of functional analysis, functional inequalities and their applications. By intention, the seminar connects mathematical community interested in real analysis.

The seminar is held on Mondays at 12:15–14:00 (Warsaw time), in room 52 (Institute of Mathematics of the Lodz University of Technology, Campus B, Building B9).